Mrs. J. V. Hurd (Dorothy Campbell) 

Golfing great Dorothy Campbell  

American Champion 1909 and 1910, British Champion 1909 and 1911, Canadian Champion 1910 and 1911
Clearly the dominate woman golfer of her day.

 Campbell was the first woman to win the national championship of five countries, USA, Great Britain, Scotland, Canada and Bermuda.

(c) 1999 - 2024

Let's meet at the putting green|Hole 1 Handicap and Wager|Hole 2 Golf Tournaments|Hole 3 Golfing Excuses
Hole 4 Golf Etiquette|Hole 5 The Golf Course Architect|Hole 6 The Green keeper|Hole 7  Range rat|
Hole 8  Ball hawk
Hole 9 Golfing Partners
|Hole10 Golf Resorts|Hole 11 The Caddie|Hole12  Golf Rules|Hole 13 Golf course living
Hole14 Golfing Equipment|Hole15 Golfing Accessories|Hole 16 Golf School-Now what|Hole 17 The Golf Pro
Hole 18 Hall of Golf Champions|Hole 19 The grillroom